Settling In

My life is slowly coming together, here among the noise and the smog. My roommate knows more than she lets on, but we let each other pretend we don't have our secrets. I get to feel.. normal for a while. No posting about the death and mayhem that follows the Fossils. No Trackers giggling over knowing where I am. No Proxies thinking they have something to hold over my head because they've been in my home. Well, except for maybe one. But I'm not telling who. If you can't guess, you really don't need to know.

I'm looking for a job, one that's a bit more flexible than the one I had before. I've put in plenty of applications, and I.. I have friends here that are willing to help me. Some of them new, most of them old. I can sit and watch Fight Club for the first time, and giggle over Marla and Bob's bitchtits. I can go to sleep from behind a locked door, and not have to worry about some fucktard with supernatural powers walking in and tying me to the bed or torturing me. I can, *gasp*, have friends doesn't know who They are. I'm swallowing my pride and applying for government help until I can get on my feet, which I would never have done before.

A lot has changed. I feel more free than ever, honestly. I put all my old pictures, notebooks, and files on people into storage under a name none of you know me by. I put the key somewhere safe, and I only really brought the mementos that meant something to me without being bloodstained or cause misery. A certain knife, my book and dvd collections, my computer, and maybe a quarter of my old clothes. A few sentimental things.

I've gone from a shut in whose only real company were the people who were running for their lives or trying to fuck her life up, to someone that's giving an honest shot at a real life. I finally told my "family" that they were out of a 'job', and that they could go back to what they were doing before. Or, keep tricking the organization into giving them a paycheck for a charade I knew about. They weren't terrible people, deep down, just afraid and in need of the money. I could understand that. I'd be a hypocrite if I judged their will to live.

 Let's see.. oh! I even have a date! One that seems fairly normal, if a little arrogant. I managed to find this cute little hipster kid, with eyes so blue you could drown in them. Yeah, I think I'll have fun with him.  Maybe get laid, who knows? I haven't gotten the chance in months, and I feel like making the neighbors a little... jealous. ;) You know what I mean.

Most of all, I haven't had to look over my shoulder as much. I've managed to cut ties with my old town. After the bloodbath my dear Graves and Gallows put it through, I'm sure no one will be missing me or my friends any time soon. My boss wanted to kick up a fuss about my leaving on such short notice. I handled that fairly easily, as he had a fairly bad habit of taking whores to the local motels and fucking them in rooms without drawing the blinds. All it took were a few pictures, and the promise that I was leaving for good. Only condition was a few paychecks and a glowing letter of recommendation for the next place I decided to frequent.


  1. It's good to hear that things are changing for the better. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way.

    But really, a hipster? C'mon Dia, surely your standards are higher than that?

    1. Sorry about the delay, I never check this thing. And hey! He's cute!

  2. *Same sentiment as expressed by above person*( With more big words)

  3. Good to have you back. And hey, if a hipster makes you happy, go for it.

  4. Glad to hear you're doing well.....or at least, well enough to post, my friend. ;)

    1. Ahh, I've been trying to leave you to your peace and quiet.... ^_^; I could have sworn Ryan told you around when we found out and he was freaking the almighty fuck out, though.

      It happened waaaay back in January, that night we were in Norfolk and I shot you an email. ^_^; Explaining anymore publicly may be awkward. My email's open, and so is that gmail, for chat~.

    2. Wow, um.....I feel like I overlooked something important.

      I also feel like the cause of a problem. D:

    3. I've been rather distracted lately, it might be my fault. Don't blame yourself, Ryan. Um... you know the email to get a hold of me at, don't you Ryan? Let her know too, if you don't mind.

  5. A nice, calm, normal life, must be nice.

    See you around

  6. YAWN. That sounds incredibly boring. Hehe give me a call when you get sick of the Amish life. ;)

    1. Aww, I thought you saved your phone calls for your girlfriend?

    2. Heh, she flatters herself. Fine fine fine, you've convinced me. I'll save the phone calls for Shady.

      Hehehe why don't we just talk in person? ;)

    3. Then what on earth would be the point in moving away from you and the others?

  7. Gettin' out of town in style. :D


  8. Oh but girlie, I miss ya lots. :)

    1. say "I" have a bad habit of telling secrets, but you've gone and started telling mine. You aren't exactly playing fair here, Gallows.

      Also, posting to get my attention is such a RUDE way to do things.

  9. Two.

    If you're not talking about me, then it's at least two.

    -Don't Shoot The Messenger-

  10. Greetings! I'm the person who owns this account now, can you fill me in on everything that happened? It's just..I got the account details in the mail, so i'm confused.

    Also, shit's happening.


  11. Heeeeeeeeeyyyy Dia, guess whos back X3

  12. I didn't miss you. I don't even know who you are! How did I get here? C:

  13. Yo won't be surprised that I say that you are rather heartless. Lucia made mistakes. Don't pretend that any one of us hasn't. You don't need to torture her further for it.

  14. ...and here I thought you were gonna run away again

    Good for you Dia :]

    1. The game is just beginning Dia

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. The game is just beginning Dia


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