Leave Me Alone

I've tried to stay out of sight, I really have. I rarely comment, I mainly keep my irritating little rants to myself. My business stays mine, your business stays yours. The way it should be, right? Hell, I don't even whine about going insane anymore. I think I mostly have that dealt with... But that's neither here nor there. A few things have come to my attention that I can't really ignore this time. It's time to drag myself out of retirement for five minutes to talk about the past, it seems. Joy of joys, I get to talk about my life with virtual strangers!

Okay, first of all, I just love how no one decided to warn me Gallows had been in my house. Not a single person. I had to find out through a fucking blog post, from a pair of psychotic proxies that NEVER FUCKING POST. Ugh. I'm so happy that the people that are supposed to be watching the house decided to 'leave' for those three days G&G decided to camp there. Sleep in my bed, and do.. whatever the fuck they did while they were waiting for me to come back. I moved away for a reason. I'm not going to come back to pick up my mail or say hi. Please just leave me alone, Gallows. I finally managed to get over you, and I don't want to be dragged back into more proxy bullshit just because you want an 'easy lay.' Just.. for fuck's sake, stop looking for me. Your following me to the East Coast is just desperate.

On a related note, damn it, Advy, stop being creepy in my comments section. I've been gone for two months by now. You took my blood, you got what you wanted, good grief, why do you still want to "play" with me? You have a girlfriend. A nice, slightly crazy girlfriend that probably needs your help right about now. Go bug her. Now. GO AWAY GOD DAMN IT.

Let's see, who's next in this virtual hate letter? Oh. David. I almost forgot about you. The next time you go whispering around that you'd like to take a crowbar to my face for "confidence boosting" reasons, I'll find a way to drop you in an alkali bath and probably do all of humanity a favor. I'm not the shrinking wallflower you raped in your friend's basement. Go bone Ronan. Seriously, you people have too much time on your hands if you're bugging me.

And on to the real reason for the post, the thing that maybe has me a teensy bit scared, and the reaaaaaaaaaaal reason that I'm ranting here and I'm avoiding again and maybe god damn it now I'm just blathering on gotta stop now. Okay. Okay. Phew. I think I'm good. I think. I mentioned that Gallows was trying to follow me, right? Well.. HE has someone trying to follow HIM. A nasty little thing by the name of LeCroix. She was present for that nice little town burning that G&G pulled back in December. She.. well, she might want a little bit of revenge. The police chief was kinda sorta her uncle. Who she loved. A lot. Lol, whoops, thanks a LOT, Gallows. You make my life so much harder, you pain in my ass... >.>;;

Guess who was present for the carnage? Me. With all my pretty little connections. She wants to "ask me questions." Right. That's code for badgering me until I tell her where Gallows is, maybe with a side of torture if I fight a little. If it weren't for Shady looking out for me, god knows how long it would have taken me to find out about this LeCroix bullshit. Sigh.

Joshua and MASC managed to cover my tracks pretty well, thankfully, so I don't think she'll be able to find me. The fact that I have to deal with this bullshit despite quitting everything is irritating beyond belief. But hey! Since I know Ms. Crazy Bitch reads my blog: LeCroix, you have my attention. Try tracking someone that actually hurt the ones you love. You aren't going to find me, I'm sure as fuck not telling you where I am, and I refuse to set foot in my old house again. Your chances are shit, and my patience ran out a long time ago.

I know I'm sending mixed messages, my friends. I can't help it by this point. I'd rather not be here, writing to you. I'd rather be living my life. I thought, well, maybe if I asked nicely I could cut the ties that bind. I've been trying so hard to live my life away from the violence and the hectic bullshit, oh god, I really have. I'm fighting to stay awake as I stare at these words, wondering if anything I say will have any effect. Unlikely at best, but I have to try. I have people I'm protecting this time around, and I can't afford to lose my sanity or my peace of mind again. I can't do it. I won't. You understand? Heed my words, they're for your own sake.


  1. What...I let you know that Gallows had been to your old house... I mean it wasn't a direct statement but I brought it up as soon as I found out...

    1. Again. You found out from the blog post, just like I did.

    2. But I at least took the liberty of telling you. Besides, I doubt G&G told any of us about this before they put up the post.

  2. If you've hidden yourself so well why do you even care about what those people now think or do, or whatever. It's a bit morbid to worry about it when you don't have to.

    1. Because LeCroix's stupid enough to make deals to FIND me. If she finds me, she has something over my head, and other people could find me. All it takes is one.

  3. Gotta second the first poster, hon. I don't think anyone knew before the blog post. Least LeCroix didn't go through your house, yea?

    Ughs. Speaking of her, Dia, she's not going to find you. I promised you already. Calm down, ok? If you can't I want you to give me a call or something later.
    But remember, your location isn't written down anywhere. There are no files, there are no records, there is NOTHING. Minus what is in your head and my head about it. LeCroix can't hack it like she did to find my house.

    Just remember that, every precaution was looked into.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. We've never met, but you don't seem like someone I'd like to be at odds with. Haha and I mean that in the most flattering way possible!

    Also, the internet hates me and for some reason tried to post this as a reply to Shady's comment. Haha.

    1. Well, you certainly have good timing. What can I do for you, Mr. Proctor? I've heard good things about you..

    2. Oh really? Why is that? It is not what you can do for me, but what I can do for you Ms. Renalda. If you need anything, please feel free to ask. Anything that can help you get away from your "old friends" like theAdvocate, I'd be glad to help with. You seem like you deserve a life-long vacation from all of this...

      Oh really? I'm surprised. I don't think I've done much contributing towards good... Unfortunately.

    3. An offer to help me? That's a nice change of pace. Feel free to email me anytime, I'd be happy to talk to you. As for the good things, well, sometimes it's what you haven't done that matters the most.

  6. Aw Dia, you make Shady and I sound like such a cute couple. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT... My little Lady is being a hater right now. She's been playing with other proxies lately, and I think I might need to remind her of who owns her heart. Hehe so I'm trying to figure out what friend of hers I should blow up as a reminder :)

    1. You might try something a little more kind. Poor thing's been under quite a bit of stress lately. You'd know that better than anyone, though, wouldn't you?

    2. Hehe I took your advice. ;) I've got something very romantic in the works.

    3. ....I think I need to email Shady..

  7. Replies
    1. I sure do. I also delete a lot of useless posts, like this one will be rather soon. Taunting LeCroix was the whole point of this post, I just threw in a few other details about the people I'm still rather irritated with.

  8. You people lead incredibly convoluted lives.

  9. Sing the song of destruction, and let the game begin anew.


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