St. Louis

An interview with Thoth... among other things. I hesitate to call this a true interview, simply because of the lack of information I can actually POST at this time. Close-lipped little Disciple, he is. If I were to be honest, this was just an excuse to travel and meet with a proxy that didn't act like cannon fodder. I had other things I needed to get done, sure, but this actually had a time limit on it, and as such I had to get off my ass and get my shit done. This is what I found out.

Thoth is a drug addict turned gangbanger in 1970. He evaded law enforcement for eight years before being thrown in jail at the age of twenty six. While he was incarcerated, he found the symbol of the twin triangles, and became a scribe for the Timberwolves. He abandoned his true name, and became the person known as Thoth. He is a member of the Chicago branch, though I ultimately found him in St. Louis. A few days ago, he received a message from someone claiming to be an old flame of us.

He refers to the Archangel as "Father" when speaking to other Timberwolves, and "Azrael" or "Archangel" when speaking with all others.  Azrael is supposedly a better fit, the Archangel of Death. I refuse to call him Azrael for.. personal reasons. Anyway. I'll just call him the Survivor. Gas mask + dead boys = reminds me of holocaust survivors, so! New nickname. His Disciples can just get the hell over it.

I called Thoth from across a busy intersection, leaning up against a street sign as I dialed. The first few rings didn't go through, but I think in hindsight he was paying more attention to the fact that he was being followed than his cell phone. For all the world, he looked like a Wall Street stock broker answering a business call. The effect was.. creepy.

Me: "It's Dia. I'm here already, are you ready to sit down and talk?" He paused and looked around him, his eyes narrowing in my basic direction. Damn intuitive bastard. I lifted a hand and waved lazily. He saw me through the distance and sought eye contact with me. He waited a minute before answering, naming a local cafe and told me to meet him outside in thirty minutes. I blatantly followed him there in an attempt to make him more uncomfortable than he already was. It worked. We got there and exchanged basic pleasantries and did the classic posturing, "I can kill you, I can kill you too!" bullshit. He adjusted his suit, and asked me to paraphrase the meeting.

When I asked him why, his eyes went cold and he deadpanned, "Because if you don't, I'll come and shove a knife through your ribcage while you sleep." I nodded and agreed out of basic self- preservation. Here's what I managed to gather: Thoth found out about the Survivor (and the Timberwolves) while in prison, and they're who he went to after he got out. They became his surrogate family, his 'pack' if you'll forgive the terrible pun. He sees the Survivor, overall, as a savior to him. He feels obligated to stick with the Timberwolves due to the fact that they lifted him off of the streets.

I asked him specifically why he felt like he should look to the Archangel, cracking a bad joke about father figures and a quest for love. He started twitching and clenching his fists. He held a butter knife in one hand like it was a butcher knife after this point. I quickly decided to apologize and keep to the important questions.
Thoth: "To answer your question, it's both. How can I put this... it's like someone converting to Christianity after they survive due to a million to one chance. Or something. I'm grateful to my family." He went on to tell me that he is quite close to his packmates, though isn't allowed to specifically talk about them. The Timberwolves would rather not have attention brought to them. They're leery of his presence in the blog world but tolerate it as long as he keeps things reasonably vague. (Oh, hey, that's why he wanted me to paraphrase...) He told me 'Maria' is actually his son, who used his mother's name to get Thoth's attention.

I asked him, "Did you already know about the child? Were you more intimate with Maria than you allowed to be known?"He told me he didn't know about the kid. His fling with Maria was before he went to prison, and as such wasn't bound at all by the Timberwolves. His son is thirty three, and his name is Palmer Sullivan. "Shai" wanted to blame the deadbeat Thoth for vanishing and causing him to grow up poor. He'd recently had some trouble paying the bills, and decided to look him up and force him to help.

Thoth being an eloquent, well mannered man in a grey suit threw him off his game by quite a bit. Thoth went on to tell me that he had calmed Shai down, but he had decided to follow his father back to Chicago and "be a part of his life." There was more he told me about his personal life, and the habits of his pack, but.. well, his grip on that butter knife only tightened when I mentioned trying to tell anyone. I left our conversation at that, and walked off, letting him foot the bill for our meal.

Alright, loves, that's the first leg of my journey out of the way. I still have to stop by my exfiancee's new home to make sure he keeps his mouth shut, drop by the prison my former stalker is held up in, make a few deliveries (don't ask), and get my ass to New York in the next week. I have a few promises to keep, but there's something I should mention first: Shady's back from the abyss, and posting her version of our vacation. I can't say I'm looking forward to all of it coming to light, but I did say that if anyone felt like telling the truth I wouldn't stand in the way. It's time to test that theory, I suppose. There's a few things I managed to keep her from posting, thankfully, but overall I think it should answer some questions for those that follow my personal life. I suppose that's it. It's time for me to start driving again, and I'll upload this when I stop again to sleep.


  1. The Timberwolves... out of all the cults that have been formed around PRE03, they've definitely been the most successful, as well as the most long-lasting. You're lucky you met a member without getting a bullet in your brain.


  2. Most of the Disciples know better than to try.

  3. The Timberwolves have never been a very cautious bunch. Did you know a group of them once blew up a church because its pastor tried to convert one of them? I've got pages and pages of data full of the shit they've pulled over the years.


  4. I also know they're behind a good deal of the "terrorist activity" that's been cropping up every few years. I must say, having those gas masks handy certainly helps with the chemical warfare.

  5. Hehe... we should do an... interview... sometime. Hehehehe

    Of course, Shady might get a little jealous ;)

  6. An interview? Jeez, it seems like all of a sudden everyone wants something to do with me. I have to say, I wouldn't mind on two conditions: One, you keep all tricks, needles, and party favors far away from me. No pain, death, and keep the threats to a minimum.

    And second? I'm refusing to do any more interviews with people that refuse to give me the details I'm looking for. Anyone interested gives me the full story, or no dice.

    Advy, also, sweetie.. are you still having fun playing bagboy to her shopper? Do you think she's noticed yet, or...?

  7. You're a popular lady~.

    Do let us know when you're in our neck of the woods! We'll come a-runnin' out of our little hidey-hole, my friend.

    1. Where exactly is your "neck of the woods?"

    2. Um...our traveling span, between my truck and Amtrak, is pretty much the entire east coast. Northeast is closest.

    3. Nonsense. :D Don't listen to her.

      Woods are woods and traveling is fun.

    4. Northeast? Heh. That's ironic as hell.

    5. Let me guess, you're located in the southwest?

    6. Not at all, just traveling in the east right now.

    7. Ah well, I feel mighty dumb. ._.;

      Either ways, hit us up if you'd like.

  8. Look at you trekking all over the place, I'd invite you over, but I still don't feel particularily comfortable with the idea of anyone knowing where I live, and I'm sick and tired of wakeing up early and driving out to Memphis just to meet people. But you know, hey, if you ever figure out my adress, stop on by, I'll even buy lunch.

    See you around

    1. It's all at once. It's a good thing I'm on such good terms with my bosses, heh? -laughs- If I ever figure out your address? You're in college, yes? In New York? Hmm... this should be easy enough. ;)

    2. Heh, I could let you search around New York for me, but that seems unnessicarily cruel, seeing as I'm not there. I only went up for the tour and interviews at Eden. Feel free to look, though, it was one of the last places I visited before my return home.

      See you around

    3. -grins- Aww, old Cagey doesn't wanna see me? I might get my feelings hurt! Nah, nah. It's cool. <3

    4. Oh nothing against you, but if the tall guy doesn't scare me anymore then I need to be paraniod about something, don't I?

      See you around

  9. I'd be DELIGHTED to give an interview. And I promise to tell you everything you want to know, inflict no pain, deliver no threats, and keep all needles away from you.

    1. .....your little games with Grace are what made me get caught up in all this to begin with. What exactly could you give me for the interview that I wouldn't already know?

  10. Stay safe on your journey. And be careful on your way through New York. A lot of danger here.

    1. Mhmm, more than a little. I'll be fine. Thank you.


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