Be Wary of..

Oh hey, look at that. I lost another follower. Let's give pause for a moment to mourn this.. nah, just kidding. Whoever it was, sorry for whatever drove you away. Maybe it was the *gasp* depressive shit I've been writing lately? But, not to fear. You'll probably be replaced soon. And hey, if not? I'll still be sleepin' pretty at night. Now, to the point of this post.

I feel like being a fangirl for a while. You know, returning to my roots and writing the same way that got me into this mythos. Remember that plan to write about what I wanted to from now on? This is it. Mostly to those on the Fear side of things, but hey, I have room to talk about the others for a while. You want a spot on this? Let me know. For now, I'm just listing the kiddies I think deserve a look.

MetaPhysical Fiction- Crazy bastard's gone round the bend, but the titles of his posts are spelling out a message. I follow him just to see what the message will eventually say. That, and I know he was recently alive and sane. Curiouser and curiouser, eh?.

A Bird of the Air Shall Carry the Voice- A Nest with a blog, the first, though now there's a Faceless Bastard out there. Of course FB has to be a douche. But Midwich, he's just another proxy for the Convocation, stalking a few targets. Though, why in the hell he's following a Camper, I have no clue.

Nameless- Trinity has returned, with few answers and making even less sense. I'm just happy to see her again.

Channel Fear/Free Radical- A very informative blog designed to get information about the Fears public. Not all of it is true, but normally you can tell the real advice from the obviously fake. Normally.

ProxieHunter/The Most Dangerous Game- This guy's been around for a while. At first, I mistook him for a troll, deliberately misspelling "Proxy." But... the kid's pretty smart. This is the first post I've seen in a while describing the Plague Doctor's actual effects and a somewhat up to date account of what his followers might be up to. Scary thought, Running to a Doctor and finding.. that.

Thoth- Somewhat decent follower of the Archangel. I'm still a bit wary of the guy, but hey. He's already helped get some information out about those he works around/with. Not to mention, he's not afraid to mention meeting with proxies of the others. Honestly, though.. he sets the hairs on the back of my neck on end.

R. Easton, or "Fear of a Blank Planet" Another burnt out Proxy trying to keep from wanting to off himself. He's having a bit of trouble with himself, and well.. there are those that aren't so shy saying something. This guy's pretty freaking blunt. Why is it always the Proxies that don't mind telling it like it is?

Letters From a Dead Man The style of writing hurts to read after a while, but mostly a kind person. Known to have the bite to back up the bark, though.. I think this one's starting to feel some regrets. Ember, well, she knows what it's like to kill a friend.

Live From Hollywood/Darts & Harls- These two girls are a trip, and they're trying to hide in plain sight. Imagine the two cutest lesbians you ever did see, trying not to admit ol' Slenderfuck is chasing them.  Just the story about the two of them is worth the read, plus the creepiness of realizing why they're running..

Shaped Like Itself- Shakespearean style of writing, a Convocation victim that isn't 'technically' supposed to be the protagonist. The girl that was supposed to be writing died. This kid's not happy about it.

Most of the people on this list really aren't THAT bad, you just.. wouldn't necessarily want to meet them in person. They're the creative ones of the bunch, and a few of them want to be left alone. Too bad that isn't in my job description, huh? Decide for yourself what you want to read, I'm done for now.


  1. I keep telling people the misspelling was due to me being concussed when I made my first account under that name. Why that damn Proxy bitch was using a crowbar I don't know, usually the Slenderproxies in her state like knives as much as I do.

  2. Oh hey, look at that, a post that's actually useful. Wonders never cease.

  3. This is quite useful indeed. It could even be called a... shopping list.

    Thank you, indeed.

  4. You're welcome..? Shit. Oh well, it isn't like you couldn't have just checked my "following" list and found them anyway.

  5. H6r5h ANALYSIS, cur10u5 p3r50n6l1ty. Y0u h6v3 my 6tt3nt10n, D16 R3n61d6.

    1. Your way of typing gives me a headache. Happy to have your attention, though, I suppose.

    2. Y35, 436d6245, 50m3t1m35 p30pl3 u53 t4353 t41ng5 c4ll3d "l33t3r5" w43n t43y 6r3 typ1ng t41ng5 0nl1n3, 4nd u51ng num83r5 t0 typ3 1n5t34d 1s r6th3r 6nn0y1ng t0 r36d.

      There, I typed it your way, I even added a few numbers so they wouldn't feel left out. For the record, "6" looks nothing like "a"... Okay it looks a little like "a", but it's still a chore to read.

      See you around

    3. And you just make it worse. -.- Thank you, Free, for at least explaining. I'm doing really badly at that lately.

    4. 1nd33d, 1t 15 6 tr161. P3rh6p5 y0u 5h0u1d c0nt1nu3 t0 5tr3tch th3 6b1l1t135 0f y0ur m1nd 14 y0u 6r3 STRUGGLING.

    5. See there. Right there, that one word at the end, was that so hard? For the records the abilities of my mind are just fine, thanks for asking, and I can get in plenty of mental exercises that are more elaborte and less annoying than decoding numberspeak. And using "1" for both "i" and "l" is a bit of a jerk move. Espically if you have to say a word where an "i" or "l" are interchangable but with diffrent meanings.

      See you around

    6. Again and again, you remind me why I don't want to kill you, dear.

      Seven, my irritating little friend, hopefully your newfound grasp on the English language will be progressive.

    7. Hum0r0u5. 1 6ppr0v3 0f 4r33d0mc6g3d.

      Wh053 kn0wl3dg3 15 TRULY pr0gr3551ng t0d6y... 6n 1nt3r35t1ng th1ng t0 CONTEMPLATE.

    8. I didn't realize that wanting to kill me was ever in the cards, should I be concerned?

      Thanks for the compliment, S373n, although I feel as though I should point something out: You missed the "4" in "0f." If you're going to do this numberspeak thing you might as well commit, yes?

      See you around

    9. Only the very first few days, but that's just the normal. No, you shouldn't be concerned, you should worry with your classes and not me.

      Seven needs to go away. I refuse to spell it the leet way.

    10. My MESSAGE 15 m0r3 1mp0rt6nt th6n my m3th0d.

      1 wi11 c0nt1nu3 t0 0b53r73, D16. 6701d 5t1rr1ng th3 HIVE.

    11. I can deal with your 'message' when it's slightly more broken up like this. Hive-mind, another one, really? -sigh-

    12. 1 w65 m3r31y 5t6t1ng 6 b651c TRUTH.

    13. English

      ~~Le Fay

  6. Awww, no shout-out for Frank? I thought we were closer than that, Dia. Hah!

    Of course I kid. Nice list.

    1. Oh sweetie, I didn't recognize you at first. You'll make the next list. Just chalk it up to Google hating me, yea?

  7. You two are cute together. Also, if you had the suited bastard following you, you already had the target on your back.

    At least now you might get some help as well.

  8. Yeah, yeah... I know. to both, I guess. Just Don't feel like dealing with some hopped-up asshats with delusions of grandeur.

  9. Darts, hadn't they already found you when this post went up?

    1. Depends on which "they" you mean, babe. As I said, asshats with delusions and shit are not my idea of fun.

  10. Dia, in response to your request, feel free to write about me.

  11. I, for one, think your plug for us was lovely Dia. Thank you.

    And just remember Darts is in denial about how cute she can be most of the time. <3 And she's also paranoid. About everyone.

  12. We're having some nasty laptop problems right now, but we wanted to say good to see you got a post up. ^_^ And Ryan says thanks a million for all of the comments on his drawings.

  13. I'm never going to finish getting paperwork done. Everytime I think I'm catching up I learn of new bloggers to observe.

    Although you listing these does greatly help at least. My appreciation.

    1. I'm happy to be of service, there should be a new list up soon. Also... the title "The Overseer" still gives me chills. Too much exposure to Fallout, I suppose.

    2. Dia, you're a fan of Fallout? This is the point at which I mention that you are my favorite person, and I would totally protect you from my boss with my life if he tried to harm you.

    3. She sees it.

      Sees part of the truth

      the inspiration

      Keep digging

      There is
      much more secrets

      in plain sight


    4. It's only when people start to care about the end result that they start seeing the secrets.

  14. You are welcome, paranoia isn't exactly a new trait.

  15. Thank you kindly for the shout-out, Dia. If I run in to trouble in the near future, rest assured that I wont blame you. It's amusing to see people attempting confidentiality while managing a public blog about their experiences.

    1. Thoth, would there be any chance of being able to request some information? If so, let me know.. there are some things I'd be very interested in knowing..

    2. But of course. I cannot guarantee that I can tell you everything you want to know, but you can certainly ask.

  16. How many secrets has she 'actually' told without permission? None? Yeah, so what's everyone getting their feathers in a fluff for?

    1. I don't think anyone won that round. So the score is still 1-1

    2. Frank, are you seriously still keeping track of this shit? Don't you have a skull or five to go bash in instead of watching this unfold?

  17. I know if I get mentioned by Dia, that's a good sign. :3 I feel special.

    Sorry if I don't make a lot of sense now. What I'm trying to do is post on everything that's happened while I was gone. Once I do that, you should be all caught up.

    Oh, and have I mentioned how much I miss you? <333 Have you done a post on the Haven yet? How's your family?? Did that stalker go away???

  18. Besides Shady, I haven't even SPOKEN to anyone in Haven in months. It's very.. strange, now that i think about it.

    I'll be paying attention to the posts.

    I miss you as well, my Lady. My family.. well "my" family is dead. The one that's still around, well, we're going to have a talk rather soon. And my stalker, he's in jail. They pinned the David crimes on him, and they found his DNA scattered throughout my house. He's going to be gone for a very long time.

  19. Oh, David. I remember him. I'm glad you're safe now, though. From him, at least. And you know I'll be here if you're in trouble, right? A professional Proxy hunter, I am! >:3 I've got a room full of guns here, practically my own business running. Almost.

    So...Everyone broke off, went their own ways, huh? I doubt DeMii and Lullaby are still with Shady. I know Mystery went off as well. Proctor's...a cat? I still have no idea what's going on with him...Is the mansion even standing, still? Sometimes I think if I had just stayed...maybe we'd all still be together. Maybe things would be easier.

    1. A professional? Where did you get that gig? If I want to get *paid* for what I do I have to go through their pockets when I finish. I still maintain guns are a bad idea though, for every reason I listed in my blog.

    2. Being a scavenger counts, doesn't it?

    3. Most of them, most runners, they know what they're doing. I only help the clueless ones. The ones that don't know how to fight back. And I won't help for free.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Well, this is almost nostalgic hehe

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Hm. I haven't been able to check up on how everyone's been doing since AA went apeshit. Nice to see that people are still surviving.


  24. I am sorry I
    make it difficult
    to read after a
    little while.

    I did not know
    I had a bark or
    a bite, I do not
    remember biting
    any of the ones
    I have murdered.


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