Friends, Allies, and Enemies

Friends and Allies

Section Chief (Tagalong/Tag)- The higher up K5 in charge of corralling the Dias across the timelines.  Bitches about paperwork. Tells secrets and apparently likes riddles.

Azrael (David Banks) A wandering proxy with the rank of K3 in the Board. One of the first 12 creators of said Board, granted fizzle magic and relative freedom for his efforts. Dark past with the Dias. Now, splits his time between No Man's Land and Fracture's domain.

Gallows-Tree- A morbid little skeleton of a man. He's a psychopath, serial killer, and cannibal. Quite charming. Noted to have an "on again"/"off again" relationship with the Dias, especially Jack. Has a Hollow, Graves, who does his bidding that he likes to play and kill with. Lives in or around a cemetery, far from civilization. Connected to the Executor. Is frequently in trouble with the police, most notably an agent whose family member he killed.


Columbina- Proxy and occasional tenant of Sanctuary. Close friend of Sabine. Wears all black except for a burnt orange Venetian half mask. Also has a tambourine and an aluminum scooter. Yes, a scooter. Optimistic, loyal, and suspiciously chill. She doesn't talk about her backstory and so far, only one other timeline of her has been... reluctant to talk about herself.

The Messenger- The original bearer of bad news. Once upon a time, he was a Gatherer just like the Dias. Delivered incident and death reports of proxies and runners alike. Complicated history with the Dias. His timelines are nearly as diverse as hers, ranging from runner to gleeful proxy spy to broken husk to higher up in the Board to a fucking prophet. The prophet is the one in touch with Jack now, Apollo.

Apollo himself drastically differs from the other Messis. Longish hair, about shoulder length. Starting to go gray. In desperate need of a shave. Always overstimulated from his mannerisms and speech. Very antsy, blinks at a rate that's just fast enough to be unnatural and unnerving, eyes often unfocused, as if he's not looking at things but through them. Speaks quickly when he talks, but often can't find or forgets his words, stopping and starting his sentences as he gets new incoming information from the timelines.

He seems to have some information Jack needs..

Fracture- A proxy with an oddly absentee presence across the timelines. Whatever brought him to be as a person is apparently so astronimically impossible other versions of himself don't seem to exist. He seems to appear in other timelines, but has been proven to be the same exact Fracture somehow moving between timelines.

He appears to be a man solely appearing in solid shades of black and white. Pure black clothes, accented with a pure white labcoat; corpse white skin, snow white hair, with a pitch black cowboy hat to pull it all together. The only color on his person seems to be his eye color, which is a deep blue.

Handle Fracture with extreme caution. His presence in his timeline seems to have resulted in the collapse of his timeline's proxy bureau, leaving the proxy scene there a shattered mess. He's clashed with, and won, against Redlight on multiple occasions. All the while claiming absolute devotion for the Hollow Man.

He boasts an unexplained hatred of all non-Hollow Man Fears. While he claims to be a friend and guardian to both proxy and runner alike, he tears down the support networks proxies rely on and abducts runners marked for death like any other proxy would; instead dumping them back where he found them when he is done leaving them a hollowed Husk.

Beware the promises of the Pale Prince.

Some Enemies, Some Friends

The Advocate- A psychotic doctor gone wrong, with a sick sense of humor. His torture methods vary across the timelines, but he is known to be responsible for at least 3 of the Dias deaths. Very dangerous, unpredictable. Is quite fond of options that give both good and bad side effects. Best known for his mindfuckery. Beware.

The Executor- Nasty little bastard. Uses pictures of a man with an Operator symbol where his face should be, and yet that is only a deception. He uses his victims as a kind of snack food, using them to make more copies of himself, or to make puppets. A rather nasty way to make cannon fodder. He works directly for the Slenderman, rank unknown. Gives good advice. Longstanding frenemy status with Dia.

The Enemies-




The Dead




Nightscream- Alias Sam Freeman, and Sam Prescott, and a lot of others. Chances are if you were dealing with a Sam, it was Scream. Real name Sam Redmond. Ironic considering Redlight took it as his property, really.





The Missing

The Shady Lady-

Morningstar/Luke Cifer/Luke Schiffer- Once a teenage boy obsessed with the Hollow Man that volunteered to become a proxy, Star had a turbulent life. Luke himself was not known in the town he was from. No one ever recalled seeing him. Knew the Schiffers had a son, but thought he was an only child.

His parents were fairly well-off folks. Not exactly liked, but not disliked in the community. Quiet bunch. Kept to themselves. Big Churchgoers. Fire and Brimstone Baptist churches. His parents, Daniel and Teresa, were found tortured to death. Sloppily. The brother died days earlier. Drowned.

Sometimes gleefully violent psychopath that killed babies and the elderly for sport, sometimes a mournful soul regretting his existence.

Became a Proxy, killed some folks, got killed. Redlight II, Spencer, used him, or rather his memories, as part of a test of his powers. Implanting Morningstar's Memories into the brains of a few Hollows. Most of these were killed.

Then Morningstar was brought back, using his corpse, and combining it with Azoth and other things, making him into basically a gimped version of Clayface, made of Azoth. To hunt down Spence Redlight.

It is assumed he succeeded.

Last seen in Vegas.

FreedomCag- FreedomCaged, or FC, was for some time an observer of the Slenderverse and many of the actors within. He was known to have an affinity for codes and trivia, as well as a snarky personality. For some time he managed to be neither a Runner nor a Proxy through some implied peace treaty with the Slender Man.

Unfortunately, FC also had a chaotic split personality that went by Cage who was unhappy with that status quo and wished to become a proxy. After a mental break where Cage got what he wanted FC seemed to lose whatever protection he had enjoyed. He disappeared shortly after, and has not been heard from since 2013.

Lis- Friend the Dias in every timeline. Got dragged into being a Runner by someone else's family drama. Artist, dreamer, too nice for her own good. More competent than she was given credit for. Girlfriend to Tia. The Mom-friend. Didn't like to get involved, but when it was thrust upon her, did her research and worked out what worked for her.

Longterm enemy was a man going by the name of Shepherd and his subordinates. Could 'sense' things sometimes. Last known location was a cabin at a campground somewhere in the Southeast US (upon checking, said cabin seemed to have never existed in the first place, according to records).

Apparently attempted to sacrifice herself to get her friends out when they were attacked. Tia refused to leave her, both are assumed to have perished.


Jeff- The original Keeper and titleholder, Jeff was notorious enough to be on the Board’s radar. Though only active for a year, he gathered enough evidence to be considered a threat. Posthumously named Dia as his successor. Whereabouts unknown, presumed dead.


Victor Sells-




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