
The Game of the Gods- So there's this.. spooky little game going on. They're calling it the Game of the Gods, named for two bored, sadistic Gods, Hermes and Mercury. Two men's lives ride on what the commenters on the blog decide. I'm looking for recruits, because there just plain aren't enough people trying to save these people's lives. "Game." Yeah, my ass. Sadistic fucks.

X- X, oh X. I've been meaning to write about this lady for months, and it keeps... slipping my mind. I think somehow, some way we have a peek into an alternate reality. Maybe.. maybe even a pocket dimension. She runs into an insane Sage, a bloodbath orgy, deadbodies, hallways that don't make any sense, and.. well, you'll have to read for yourself. There's even a spider Slendy that scares the hell out of me. I highly recommend it, if you want a mindfuck or want to watch sanity slippage in progress.

Cassandra- Lost girl, goes by the name of Cassandra. Sweetest little thing, with a really.. well, fucked up past. Did I mention she managed to forget it, and I suspect she has Mr. Tall Dark and Slender following her?

Amy-  A jaded writer that has what seems to be constant exposure to the Fears. No explanations yet as to why, though a troubled backstory's been hinted. She refers to the Fears as Gods, ones that haven't been written about correctly.

Adam- A very confused young individual that needs help. Alot of it.

Mephi- ...I honestly don't even know how to explain this one. There's time travelers, Doctor Who references, Fears aplenty, and hell, enough tropes to blow your mind. I-330, well.. I fangirl all over the place for her. ;)

Locomotive Breath- Stuffy old fucking man, fighting the Cold Boy.  Another Scribe, of sorts. I'm a little bit biased, as we might have gotten into a fight.. or several.. but in all honesty, he's trying the best he can to help. Doesn't mean I gotta like him.

Thomas Blake- There's a specific post.. well, it shows one of the Fear's symbols. It's.. worth checking out, I'll leave it at that.

Ryan/Remedial Sketchbook-  Some very beautiful artwork, by a dear friend.

Jcarlson- A friend of mine, Jcarlson, is in danger. Pretty badly. He's in an institution, under the 'care' of a Doctor Beakman. Beakman is a deranged freak that unfortunately has power over the place by the name of Shady Lawn. There are.. people dying, lit up.. like a candle.

The Foul Rag and Bone Shop- There's this.. Serpent Lady. Boyd Walker's found a new.. Fear? Maybe?

Here's another list post for you. There are some friends, some enemies, and some.. I don't even fucking know here. Plenty to "be wary" of, I can assure you. This should be it for a while. Stay safe.


  1. ...I'd like to talk to you about something.


    1. You know how to get a hold of me. I'll help you however you like. ^.^

  2. Thank you for the link. :) Your new background is awesome.

    1. I wonder how she's doing, anyway... haven't heard anything since her last post...

    2. Oh, she's around. Closer than you might think. You wouldn't know it, without checking, though..

  3. Aw, when do I make your little posting list? Hehehe

    But seriously, I expect an interview or I swear I'll put a bomb in your bra or something... Or maybe just some serious itching powder. You get the point. ;D

    1. I could have SWORN I already wrote about you at some point. More like a thirty page post about how coming near you was just the worst idea POSSIBLE.

      But hey. You wanna get in line for an actual interview? Last time you came around, I believe I was thinking.. shotgun to the face, with scattershot. You really think you're gonna change my mind with threats of itching powder?

      On a serious note, whaddya ACTUALLY want, dearie?

    2. Awwww that hurt me right here... in my heart. Hehe ;)

      You and I both know that you enjoy me too much to kill me. Imagine how boring it would be if I wasn't around?

      Hehe what to I want? Quite a lot. I'm such a greedy fool. Hehehe...

      Oh, maybe nothing... I just thought you'd like to talk about my latest experiment and what it did to your blood... It was riveting. I should really thank Ferus for dragging you around after Fright Night... Haha the irony.

  4. Hello.

    Ethereal cannot type right now, he's occupied

    You've got three guesses as to who I am.

    1. Dia, what happened?

      Last I remember I tried getting out, but I just collapsed.


    2. You tell me. What have you seen since then?

    3. Uh... Whatcha mean?

      Sorry if this is obvious, my head's a little foggy at the moment.


    4. If someone took over your blog, it means one of two things. Either you were possessed, or someone else is there with you.

    5. Someone else must be here with me.

      I think I know who.


  5. Replies
    1. Oh, look. The one that knows absolutely nothing about me. What have you come here for now? To mock? To pretend you have something worth saying? Or to attempt to gamejack?

      Because, so far, you've just accomplished pissing me off.

  6. Hey Dia, seems you and I are now two major parts of the core theory reborn. Thoughts?

    1. Bahahaha. I think someone's trying all the wrong ways to make a name for themselves, and doesn't know what the bloody hell they're talking about. Though, the namedrop, I suppose, is an honor. Or an annoyance. Not sure yet.

  7. Not so major, Bluelight would say...necessary...

    1. Necessary? You don't have any clue who the hell I am, apparently. When you've done your homework (read: given a fuck about something besides yourself), you can come back. I don't take libel very well, I'm afraid.

  8. Oh god, I thought I was tripping out when I came here. Thought she had gotten you or something. Then I got far enough through the comments to realize you did it on purpose or something... you're making me trip out on purpose!! Stooooop that!

    Ahem... *reading comments* ...as of this moment, I declare myself "Mouselight" *sunglasses* Deal With It.

    How've you been by the way? Made it home I take it?

    1. It is the exact same profile She once used, it was very deliberate. I like to drop hints in various ways to my followers, this is just one of them. Have you figured it out yet? Also, not stopping. ;)

      You declare yourself Mouselight? Hell, I'd still probably like you better than Lazylight. I mean Bluelight.

      I've been.. well. Busy. Learning to cope with a somewhat normal homelife, or at least, as normal as I can get it. Trying not to talk too much about it here, actually.

    2. If you were sorry, you'd change the way you did things. Emptily saying "sorry" doesn't change anything.

    3. Good. I'll feel free to ignore you now.

    4. Given I am the victim of an overactive imagination, there are a variety of conclusions I could potentially draw from this. I have chosen not to try connecting these dots under the assumption that doing so will hurt my brain.

      Were I not already pinned to Gargoyle, I'd totally go with Mouselight though... That name just sounds delightful.

      Aaaand that's understandable, won't press the subject.

    5. Well, I can tell you this: I am not, and never have been KK Collins or any of her incarnations. I may or may not be in touch with her, but that's another story. I thought the layout was a rather obvious hint that she was still around. Obviously I'm not trying hard enough.

      Ultravioletlight. I want this name now.

      No, no. Press the subject. Paranoia's there for a reason, dear. ;)

    6. What abour Inferedlight, that's nice as well. My, I can't belive I missed this post, I always like a good list.

      See you around

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Because, my dear, I don't just work for the Runners. I'm a Grey Hat, and that means I give out information freely. If someone specifically requests they never be mentioned, I try to oblige them. Otherwise? I write about who, and what I want. It tends to work well for me.

  10. dia, i, whitelight, hereby dub thee...hold on, let me get my notes...crap, where are they...oh wait, i found them.

    i hereby dub thee...//Flighty Broad//.

    1. You are now my favorite "Light." Oh, hey, Light! Does that mean we're all potential recipients of the Death Notes?! Sorry, I'm a fangirl, and I'm vaguely bored. That tattoo of mine may or may not also mean shinigami. >>;;


  11. Flighty Broad, this is Douchbag, over. Just wondering when shall I be mentioned in a post?

    Also, good to know you're a fellow Deathnote fan.

    1. Douchebag, this is Flighty Broad. No clue when, I have an interview or two I need to upload first.


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