Next lesson for the class.

What really frightens you? Are we all actually afraid? We've been fighting a battle against the proxies, thinking that will change something. It hasn't changed anything in the end. The fighting, I mean. We have a distraction from our nightmares, and it seems like we've forgotten our priorities. Our dead are still in their graves, and our living have been given false hope. It seems as though we have stopped our battle to actually defeat the Slenderman. What happened to the vaccine research, the experiments, the guinea pigs, the funding? Did we give up the first time we realized it hadn't worked? Did our fallen heroes really take away that much of our driving passion, our ability to look beyond defeat and realize... we still have so much potential left untapped? I believe so. I believe for all our talk of hope, and fighting, we changed our focus to things we thought we could fight and kill on a mass-scale. This is not what the war is about, people. These are merely the battles we're using to distract ourselves from the fear at the back of our minds.

Even if we figure out an individual form of defeating Them, it would be better than the guerilla warfare we've been locked into for months now. There are victims that have been abandoned, victims that for whatever reason the Fears have lost interest in. Why? What caused this? Is the reason some of our friends and comrades have stopped posting is, instead of death, they lost the Compulsion to write? Perhaps they stopped being stalked and tormented, perhaps they managed to lose the Fears that were chasing them into the night and into the traps that lay for them? Is this probable? No, it is merely possible. How many of them have wound up in insane asylums and have dropped from our sight? Probably too many to truthfully count. Is this technically an escape from them? Would being insane be better than dead? I have another question for you all, that I wonder if it has been posed in the past. Who the hell knows, I'll simply mention it again.

What if there is something wrong with us? Maybe, just maybe, something in our genetic coding makes us vulnerable to them. I've heard theories that there is something that makes the rest of the populace immune, which may very well be true. But I believe something in our minds, our lives, or our somethings draws them to us. Something makes us desirable to them, makes them want us for their own. To covet is a common emotion, no? What if we are a threat to them somehow? Could something about us, inside us, WHATEVER it may be actually scare THEM? Think about it. What possible reason would they have to choose us over the others, to want to kill and torture and maim us? Why would they even need, or want for that matter, to have proxies do the job for them when they could so easily kills us? I believe they are distractions. Distractions, distractions, distractions, what are we being distracted from? Something right in front of our face. Something that would completely change the war if we knew it.

Problem is, we don't. We are as blind to it as we are to our continuing evolvement and true potential. We step over whatever this 'truth' is like it's a mere decoration, or doesn't even exist. We're as foolish as the humans stuck in the Matrix, if you want a movie reference to help understand. Do we even WANT to know what's lying on the other side? To know what these Fears know, to know what the ultimate battle is really about... well, whatever it is, it's heavy knowledge. Obviously it's something they don't trust us with. Now, I have a question for you all: Who's willing to stop and look up at the sky again? Who's willing to live, and stop being distracted by the proxies and running from what we've been fooled into thinking is the real threat?

Now that I have a few of you hoping to look to the sky, I have a specific request. A demand, if you will. A proxy we all know and well, tolerate, recently came into contact with a greater truth. He looked past the current events and his boss, and dared to ask questions when he really should have shut the fuck up. He learned of just one of the possible 'truths' that are still out there for us to realize. Who am I talking about? It should be obvious by now. Messi, The Messenger, the one that nearly had to be forcibly dragged into a minor conspiracy involving the area he's stationed in. My demand is: I want a fucking interview with this proxy. I want it now, I want it soon, and goddamn it he isn't dodging the fucking thing anymore.

I've been asking for the damn thing casually for months, thinking it would be a laugh to interview the interviewer. To get the hacker to tell his side. Well, now, to me it's finally a freaking important big ass deal. There has to be shit he hasn't written down, more reasons to why he's 'hiding', and why Screwtape wants to shut him the hell up. Why do I care? Well, for one, I don't discriminate as heavily between proxies and runners as I once did. And now, well... as much information as I can possibly get right now, I want it. I want to know more about Eternity, I want to know where the fuck Poe has been, and I want to know so much more. Why am I mentioning all of this to my followers? Because the fucker's in hiding, and he's hesitantly agreed to give me one. Up until just lately, he's been dodging me every way he knows how. I don't give a damn about a finger splint, I don't care about the reasons. 'Persuade' the man not to change his mind. I've lost patience with asking this time around.

As for the nightmares... I was foolish to mention anything so blatantly detailed as I did before. I'm also afraid someone else has access to my account at this point. There are notes, pictures, entries, and much more lying around that I did not write. I've also been locked out of deleting anything at this point, which I didn't even realize was fucking possible. I'm on edge, I'm nervous, and either someone has been in my home, or something is severely freaking wrong. -sigh- I'll see you on the other side, my loves. Hopefully soon.

Edit: Also, for the record, Messi DOES have a beautiful voice. I think I may have scared him with the perving, but I believe all is well. The 'interview' should be up as soon as I stop being lazy and transcribe the recording I have of it. As for my personal beliefs in this one... I'll have to keep quiet. I'm afraid I'll give something away if I speak too much. At the end of the day, though.. I think there's one less person who wants to kill me in my sleep. I think. What about the rest of you? Would anyone else be willing to be interviewed?


  1. I think I know what you have that us other folks don't: pathological levels of gullibility. A rational person would not believe half of what you folks accept as reality. And a lot of you clearly have other mental illnesses. I almost feel bad for you, but it's your own choice not to see a shrink.
    Maybe I should give evidence you're all gullible, but it's too soon to show my hand. Thanksgiving would be more fitting.

  2. Now see, I was expecting more of a fight. You're making this too easy! Oh well.

    The normal way to contact alright with you?

  3. Yeah, yeah. Just stop bugging me about it. And I'm not answering a video call, you know, though I'm pretty sure that goes without saying.

    -Don't Shoot The Messenger-

  4. Oh, so I'll be deprived of seeing your cheery disposition? I suppose I'll have to settle for that beautiful voice of yours. I gotta say... hearing that ought to be worth the pain in the ass efforts I've had to go through to get this.

    Happy perving to me, and to everyone else...

    Hopefully the interview will be up soon, if he stops stalling and answers the damn questions.

  5. Oh my, I was in the middle of linking a post and a loveely little chain of events led me here. This... is... marvelous. You don't even know how brilliant you are, my Tide, though I suspect you may find out soon. Good luck, and Messenger, just take the call and do the interview, I promise if you leads to the death of you I'll hack your blog and leave a nice little eulogy, I've not done much hacking, yet, but for you I'll try.

    See you around

  6. You guys were made for each other.

    See you around

  7. Two things, love. I like being called a bitch, you already know this, so watch your tongue unless you want to be sending more mixed signals. For another, I borderline flirt with everyone, especially proxies. What makes you believe you're so special?

    And beyond all that, doll... I still believe in Poe and Messi's potential. I don't fuck up dreams, I merely have my own dreams and my own thoughts. Thank you for the thought though, Cage.

  8. I do believe there is something within us that They are attracted to. Perhaps we are mirrors of being, perhaps it is something that They want to attain. Or perhaps it is something that They want to destroy. Or destory.

    It's all about stories. Have you ever noticed that? We tell ourselves stories about Them and others tell their own stories and we mix stories together. I know the Compulsion makes us do it, but what if it didn't. What if it is our ability to tell stories is why they are going after us. If we tell no tales, will they leave us alone? Or simply kill us?

    Food for thought.


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