Runners and Proxies

The prejudices surrounding the two terms are many. To me, they're simply laughable. To be a Runner, you're supposed to be bright shiny and fight the good fight. To be unfailing in your quest for the truth and the betterment of mankind, blah blah blah. To be a Proxy, you need to be the root of all evil, and having mastered your laugh and torture techniques are definitely a plus. I'd like to go ahead and say, just these two generalizations are complete bullshit. Believing in these rules of thumb for dealing with the Slenderverse will get your ass killed, if not worse. What would be worse? Having to work for an abomination you hate, having your friends and loved ones stalked and destroyed from the inside out, having to watch as you inadvertently cause the deaths of the innocent. Fun, huh? I hate to dredge up bad memories, but what about Zero? What about Andromeda? What about Morningstar, and Messi, and countless others? These people on both sides of the 'good' fight completely fly in the face of every rule that we're supposed to follow, and to be honest, they don't really give a fuck.

Where am I going with this? I don't really know, to be honest. Being in the Grey Area and having taken a break from everything involved have given me the ability to realize... we're just beating a dead fucking horse. Everyone just wants to keep living, and hopefully with the least amount of pain (for themselves) that they can manage. The people that work for Slendy don't want to die, so they make a deal or get trapped by the threat of people that could die if they crossed him. In the case of some, well... they enjoy it. All the more power to 'em, we're all going to die anyway.The people running? Well, their reasons are kinda obvious. Fighters and Gatherers break the mold a little because they at the least aren't boring. They do something besides the normal, boring (and fatal) routine that we all wind up locked into. My advice to anyone who even knows who the Slenderman is, let alone is stalked by him or works for him, stop fucking around and try to live your life.

I don't really care what you call yourself, or what you do. That's your own business. But for fuck's sake, why are we running around like chickens with our heads cut off? We're scared and worried, and normally lonely and paranoid. That's normal, I'm not saying that we should be robots and ignore the tentacled freak. That probably isn't going to be possible, our instincts tell us to either bash something in the head with a club or run away crying like a little one. Fight or flight, kinda hard to beat, yeah? But really, the paranoia and the bullshit we put ourselves and each other through is just destructive at best! "I don't like the way you made your shield" or "I don't like your aura" or "What are we going to do? Oh nooooooo, wah!" Or, on a flipside, just grinding through the stalking and the threatening and whatever the hell else he assigns you. If you don't die first, every one of you is going to wind up jaded, uninspired, and possibly suicidal.

Maybe you'll wind up shagging like bunnies while you wait for something to kill you, and then you don't pay enough attention to do anything about it. Be creative! Fuck, get together the people you share a common ground with and make a fortress, don't be the friggin' lone wolf. That shit'll get old real damn quick. If you're killing someone, make it a masterpiece. Point and shoot, or wait and cry, it's not worth it. Get some hope, fall in love, spill some blood, cause some nightmares, but god, mix it up a little for your own sake. I'm not going to bore you by making a huge list of the prejudices, but shit, break 'em. They aren't worth a shit, they're getting you killed, and to be a bitch about it, you're selling yourself out if you think you're limited to the rules that the dead or the foolish set down for you. Great job if they keep you alive, but if they don't, chuck 'em out the fucking window. Giant repetitive rant to the side, seriously, I'd prefer it if my friends weren't miserable or dead. Pull your heads out of your asses and do something to change the status quo, for fuck's sake.

Signing off for now, your friend(?) Dia.


  1. Smartest thing I've ever read on this website.

  2. Well said Brightsky
    No point in doing anything if you can't have a little fun along the way

    Also, it's good to see you posting again dear

  3. I don't like the way things are going, simply put. Five minutes into a checkup on my friends, and I felt like ranting. This is what happened.

  4. Most of the runners I've met recently are just people trying to survive being stalked by supernatural entities and their cultists.

    All of the 'proxies' I've encountered have been too busy trying to enact actual bodily harm upon my person for me to learn much about them. They didn't strike me as being too tightly wrapped to be honest.

  5. Well said, sweetheart. You do raise some very valid points. Having targets that follow the same routine day in and day out are so... dull. Thankfully, I get creative when I get bored. Strangely enough, my targets never seem to appreciate my humor. Tis an odd thing.

  6. Hm, wouldn't complain about the shagging like bunnies.
    If all of this is going to kill me then so help me I REFUSE to die a virgin.

    Aaaaaaaand I probably said too much there.

  7. Welcome back, Tide, it is so pleaseing to see you returning to your usual activities, I do hope you are feeling much better. You know, I quite like this rant, I've been trying to make connections with people on both sides of this little war, but I have to say, I'm disapointed with how few 'runners' actually grab my intrest, those that fight, no matter which side they are on, are almost always more intresting. I also like how you called out these sterotypes, just because a real life meeting would result in many of you trying to kill each other doesn't mean we can't all play nice over the internet, and you have to realize that far to many of the proxies actually lack an evil laugh, it's almost disapointing. I'm sorry, I'm rambaling, I'm just excited to see you back in bussnisse, I can't wait to see what you have in store next.

    See you around

  8. Dia, I take it you approve of Hope then?

  9. Oh yes, while I'm here I would like to shamelessly advertise my own little peice of blog real estate: It's nothing special, but I would admire your insight when I get around to actually developing and presenting my actual research a bit more. Of course, I'm not on the front lines, so if you deem my little blog unworthy of your following I understand, there really are some many intresting people out there.

    See you around

  10. Since when did I become a puppetshow?

  11. Hi Dia. Omigosh you're back.

    Geeze, now I seem like some person with seperation anxiety.

    Anyways, it really is boring do the same thing day in and day out, and yet there is some solence in it. It's fammiliar, but it's still boring. Especially when you aren't allowed to leave the place that you are in.

    Well, I'm glad you are back.

  12. Shagging like bunnies...well, that's one way to put it. /embarassment

    I'm not a very responsible cope-er and I've become something of a hedonist, I'll admit.

    Do you think, though, that killing someone is worth going through with if you have sudden second thoughts, regrets? Because....I still don't know that I did the right thing. Of course, that's just existential whining, which is really no better than average whining.

  13. We haven't spoke in forever, Dia. I miss talking to you.

    It's getting harder now. For us. I mean, us at the Haven. Yes, I know that's very off topic and selfish of me, to always talk about myself, but I have no one to anymore...not really. And you said I could come to you any time.

    But lately, you haven't been around...So, just please answer. Try to, at least...Hopefully, talk to you soon, my Lady.

  14. My being gone isn't a completely voluntary thing. It's a very heavily implied suggestion from people trying to 'protect' me. I'll be back when I can, and I do miss you all. Just enjoy your time while I'm gone, yeah? Please? That's all I really meant by this message, just written in a bitchy way. Be careful, all.

  15. You be careful too, Dia, and stay safe. I would like us to continue our conversations and create more in the future.

    Well said, though, deary.

  16. Well spoken. If people are going to continue to insist that others hold onto their humanity and life while on the run, then it only makes sense to attempt to actually engage in old activities to keep hold of that humanity.

    I assume this is the police or similar aspects restricting your access here to protect you. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that your blog title is very good advice.

    Stay safe.

  17. Dia- I like this new, saucy, side of you.
    You said it best Doll. No one is getting out alive.

    Until Next Time.

  18. I think I may say fuck it and stay around for a while, and I should be deciding tonight after I get caught up on some of the things I've missed. My little vacation was helpful, but keeping my mouth shut now will be difficult at best.

    Anyone have any updates they want to let me know about?

  19. I opened a safe house, does that count?

  20. Messenger met Big Brother, Dead One and Penelope appear to be having a confrontation of sorts, KnitWolf met someone who was stalked and shared a dream, and Elaine has already mentioned Hope. That's all I know that would be an intrest to you, glad to see you're back, Tide.

    See you around

  21. Oh, the safe house that David's staying at? I personally think that invalidates the safety of any abode, but well, I'm a tad biased. I hope it works well.

    Messi's 'boss' of sorts kinda scared me. I hope that it's an isolated incident, simply because if it repeats all over the world we could simply be playing at the tune of madmen.

    I have heard word of Penelope's 'bad man' appearances, but I'm a tad confused on what the hell is going on.

    She shared that dream? I am woefully behind on that matter.

    OH! Can I get your blog's URL, Free?

  22. Yeah. The one David's at, though I had hoped that that could be kept quiet. I factored without him picking up a runner to protect. Still not quite sure what's up with that.
    That said, I wouldn't have let him in if I had any doubt that he'd play nice.

  23. I figured it was obvious, considering that with recent events TMV showing up at the house was the same as waving a red flag in front of our faces. I doubt he'd have stayed away long, even if they weren't joined at the hip now.

    He doesn't play nice. The only person remotely safe from him is TMV, who I might remind you isn't exactly safe to have around himself. I think Hope is a wonderful idea, and I want its inhabitants safe. But really, please don't rely on a security system to protect you, love.

    I can't say I think this is going to keep everyone alive. But, I think the idea of a sanctuary founded by you and hopefully kept alive by whatever morals the people inside have. If you need any help, let me know.

  24. If I could just jump in here with a clarification; that dream was mine alone. Om just means that I shared it with anyone caring to read that post.

    As for what's going on with Sunshine and Penelope... well... Remember that girl that I helped Sunshine find? well he got her, but Ritter apparently showed up and put a stop to things before he could kill her. No one knew where she went, but now she's back with "friends" and seems to be wanting revenge. As of right now, no one (except maybe Penelope) knows why they've come to her, if she's controlling them, if they're controlling her. Her friends appear to be unknown fears or at least creatures like them. They don't like Ritter

    Here's Penelope's blog

    Hope that helped

  25. Ahhhh, that did actually help, dear.

    That woman he wanted to make a sport of killing? I checked it out, her friends are 'fun.' I would love to find out what the hell is going on, to be honest.

    Also, I don't like Ritter either.

  26. Ah good
    Yes, that's her. I would also like to know what's going on.
    And not liking Ritter is perfectly understandable Brightsky but, of course, I still do. Hehe

  27. Hell, you aren't miserable. That's better than I can say about the graves. Are you doing well now?

  28. The graves?
    And yes, I've been fortunate thus far...

  29. I wouldn't say I hate Him, but I do enjoy it when he gets in trouble or upset, if you can call it that. However these Fears are something diffrent, I'm intriuged to see what happens, but not to hopeful just yet. Oh, and scince you asked: drop by anytime, Tide, I'd love to see you there. Also sorry if I confused the matter StoryWeaver, I didn't mean to speak on your behalf.

    See you around

  30. Ah... but the dead don't feel anything. Their misery has ended.
    As I said, I've been fortunate. With Ritter's help, I have killed those who hurt me and one rapist and for the first time in years I feel at peace. I'm getting a break from the pain... though I know that won't always be the way. Ritter almost killed me once, it won't surprise me if he finishes the job at some point or if some runner kills me or a fellow proxy for that matter.
    I'm just enjoying myself now while I can and whatever happens, it will have been worth it for the experience of this time of peace.

  31. No need to apologize, Free. Also, I'm going to read a bit of what you've written. Maybe do a little Penelope stalking.

  32. Oh that's fine with me Om... I've done that to you enough times hehe
    I just wanted to clarify


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